Selasa, 18 Oktober 2011

Rindu Zaman Dulu

memang dulu tak kan sama macam sekarang

memang akan ada perubahan

tapi best ke perubahan sekarang?

sekarang tengok dah macam tak dak perasaan je

dulu layan abes!

mana lagi best???

dulu atau sekarang

thanx for reading!

pix google

Sabtu, 15 Oktober 2011

#2 Nak Masak?? Tak Dak Hal Lahhh! :: Tiramissy0ouuu

perrggghhhh hebakkk hang!
episod dua dah??

mau tau arrrrr =P

kali ni aku nak kongsi resepi


auwwww miss u miss u gitu

aku punya la dok godek godek cik Google nak cari resepi TIRAMISU yang simple.

last last jumpa gak.

aku amik resepi dekat Fatin Liyana yang goges tu =)

resepi ni giler simple.

x perlu berpeluh peluh
 x perlu bahan bahan yang rumit
  x perlu masa yang panjang
   x perlu oven!!!!

part x perlu oven yang paling best sekali.


jom tengok resepi

250g cream cheese
250g whipped cream
150g gula
coffee layer cake
1/2 paket nescafe or mocha 3in1 (garnishing)

Potong & susun coffee layer cake dalam baking tin (1st layer)
Beat cream cheese, whipped cream & gula with hand mixer until creamy
Tuang mixture tadi diatas lapisan cake yang pertama
Susun selapis lagi cake diatas mixture tadi (2nd layer)
Tuang mixture diatas lapisan cake yang kedua
Repeat the step until finish
Taburkan 1/4 or 1/2 paket of nescafe 3in1 for ganish
Simpan dalam fridge overnight

Then baru uols bole makan!!

ini version aku.

seyes sedap resepi ni.
cuba la
cuba laa
rugi x cuba

sebab resepi simple sangat
x payah pening pening lalat nak buat

nota siku : uols cuba! baru bole tau sedap ke tak!

thanx for reading!

akan datang coming soon

Pelangi memang cantik




nak tukar pelangi jadi camni

apa ni?? apa ni??

meleleh leleh ayaq liur.



thanx for reading!

pix : google

Rabu, 5 Oktober 2011

Nak Masak?? Tak Dak Hal Lahhh! :: Pavlova PuffLover!

amboi la title entry.
kemain kauuuuuu.

curlasssss gitu.


ok jom kita terjah segmen baru aku lam blog ni

"eh kemain hang. segmen baru. macam ada yang baca blog hang nih"

: saja ngada2 monolog sorang2

orait back to normal.

"nak masak??? tak dak hal lahhh"

amacam?? gila ngeri nama segmen aku ni.
tapi jangan takot takot.
apa yang aku masak suma ley makan.

dun wory!

sila cuba tanpa rasa ragu2 ye
ni resepinya

When preparing a Pavlova recipe, the most important thing is to have scrupulously clean utensils, free of grease or egg shell. The success of the meringue depends on it. It is also important that the egg whites are at room temperature before beating them. Pavlovas have a habit of deflating and forming cracks when you open the oven. Don't be disheartened, just make some extra whipped cream to fill in the hole if this happens. It will still be a spectacular dessert.

If you use bananas in the topping, toss them in lemon juice to stop them going brown.

View Pavlova step-by-step instructions.

Prep Time: 40 minutes
Cook Time: 1 hour, 15 minutes
Total Time: 1 hour, 55 minutes


4 large egg whites at room temperature

1 cup of Castor sugar, also known as "Berry sugar"

1 tsp of white vinegar

1/2 Tbsp of cornstarch

1/2 tsp of pure vanilla extract

1/2 cups of whipping cream

Fresh fruit such as strawberries, raspberries, kiwi fruit, passionfruit, bananas, blueberries

1 Tbsp fresh lemon juice


Preheat the oven to 275F (140C) and place the rack in middle of the oven. Line a baking tray with foil and draw a 7 inch circle on the foil with the blunt edge of a knife (don't tear the foil). Set aside.

In a clean, medium-sized metal bowl, beat the egg whites with a clean electric mixer on medium speed. Beat until the whites form soft peaks.

Gently sprinkle the sugar into the egg whites, one teaspoon at a time. Don't just lump the sugar in the bowl and never stop beating the eggs until you finish the sugar. Your egg whites should now be glossy stiff peaks.

Sprinkle the cornstarch and vinegar on the meringue and fold in gently with a plastic spatula. Add the vanilla and gently fold the mixture again.

Now gently spread the meringue in the circle on the foil to make a circular base. Make sure the edges of the meringue are slightly higher then the center so you have a very slight well in the middle.

Bake the meringue for about 1 hour and 15 minutes or until it goes a very pale, pinkish egg shell color.

Turn the oven off and leave the door slightly ajar to let the meringue cool completely. As the meringue cools, it will crack slightly.

Just before serving, take the meringue out of the oven and remove it gently from the foil and place on a plate.

Whip the cream with the vanilla extract until it forms peaks. Prepare the fruit by washing and slicing.

Gently spread the cream to the top of the meringue with a spatula and arrange the fruit on top.

hah! amacam?? maap la yer. resepi ala2 omputih sket.
baca bagi paham n jelas tau!

aku amik resepi ni dekat mak hanis zalikha yg cun melecun tu.
mak dia pon cun jugak.
sayang mak cik!

aku try resepi ni sekali je.
giler sedap! tapi manis sket arr.
kalau letak banyak buah yang agak masam, ley potong rasa manis tu.
jangan risau ye =)

ni la ghupe pavlova aku. agak comot d situ. tapi x pe langkah pertama

gamba x banyak sangat aku snap, sebab dok debar2 tengok cun sangat pavlova ni.


: ekceli member aku mintak resepi ni. punya lama dok lam draft. rini baru godek2. sory shima.

"emm shima try buat yer"

nota siku : jangan takot untuk mencuba benda baru, gagal bukan bererti kalah, cuba lagi!

" pssstttttt ada x sapa2 pernah mintak resepi kat aku, tapi aku tak bagi.
huhuhu terlupa la. jangan marah cheq naaaa. mintak lagi =) "

thanx for reading!